报告人:陈强 博士
陈强, 男,卢森堡大学博士后。2007年毕业于武汉大学测绘学院工程测量专业,获学士学位。2009年毕业于武汉大学测绘学院大地测量学专业,获硕士学位;2015年毕业于斯图加特大地测量所,师从于Nico Sneeuw教授获博士学位。同年开始在卢森堡大学地球物理实验室从事博士后研究至今,师从欧洲地球科学联合会 Vening Meinesz奖获得者Tonie van Dam教授。主要致力于地球表面负载引起的地壳形变模拟与分析研究及GRACE水文应用方面的研究。博士后期间参与了欧盟地平线2020计划的EGSIEM项目,并同时参与了欧空局赞助的未来卫星重力任务ADDCON项目的研究。近年来发表多篇11篇英文论文,其中SCI收录9篇,ISTP收录两篇,并受邀成为Journal of Geophysical Research和Journal of Geodesy 等期刊审稿人。曾获得国家二等奖学金,武汉大学测绘学院陈永龄科技创新奖学金。
During the 15 years of the GRACE mission, various different processing approaches have been developed to derive time-series of global gravity fields out of the sensor data acquired aboard of the two space-craft. For the majority of those approaches, different releases exist thanks to successive refinements of the methodology, re-processed Level-1 sensor data, or improved geophysical background models. In addition, a number of post-processing options were developed over the years that are necessary to transform gravity fields into global surface mass estimates. For geophysical applications of the GRACE results, it is important to obtain independent evidence about the quality of different GRACE products and their associated error estimates by means of independent validation.
We present comparisons of GRACE-based mass anomalies from various processing groups against both station coordinate time-series of GNSS permanent positions and in situ observations of ocean bottom pressure. Besides conventional GRACE solutions from the main processing centers, we focus particularly on gravity field combination solutions generated within the Horizon2020 project European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management (EGSIEM). Although fully independent from each other, it will be demonstrated that both validation techniques confirm each other to a large extent, thereby allowing drawing robust conclusions on the noise level present in different GRACE series.
In addition, the latest achievements from the EGSIEM project will be shortly introduced and presented.